MindChamps PreSchool (18mths – 6 yrs old)
MindChamps PreSchool is the only pre-school globally to nurture children
with the Champion Mindset, as researched by world-renowned
neuroscientist, Professor Allan Snyder FRS (Centre for the Mind,
University of Sydney). A result of over a decade of research and
development in the 3 domains of Neuroscience, Psychology and Theatre,
the unique curriculum nurtures all aspects of your child and includes
world proprietary academic and enrichment programmes.
MindChamps Reading & Writing (for 3 – 10 yrs old)
Developed by global early childhood literacy experts, the programmes
aim to instil a love for reading and writing within your children,
provide the essential learning tools for them to fully develop their
literacy skills and prepare them to handle the academic rigours of
primary school. By providing a strong learning platform for your child,
the programmes seek to develop them to become an active and effective
life-long reader and writer.
Child Minding Service @ Paragon – Kids learn at MindChamps while you shop!
MindChamps Child Minding Service @ Paragon allows you to indulge in
your favourite activities in Paragon while your child is learning and
being taken care of by our early childhood experts. Conducted every
Saturday between 11am and 5pm, MindChamps Child Minding Service helps
your child in literacy, creativity and physical coordination to build
the vital neutral networks essential for cognitive development.